Here's what I can do for you. You can choose from:
1 case study of 1000+ words with proper formatting in Google Docs, incorporating the data, links, quotes and screenshots/images you provide
1 headline
1 round of revision in Google Docs within 3 days of delivery
1h Skype interview with you
Professional research + suggestion
1 case study of 1000+ words with proper formatting in Google Docs, incorporating the data, links, quotes and screenshots/images you provide
2 headlines so you can A/B test them
1 round of revision in Google Docs within 3 days of delivery
1h Skype interview with you
Professional research + suggestion
1 content upgrade idea + CTA copy
1 email script to market the case study to your list
1 social media update for sharing + social media image for 1 platform (using CC0 images)
Promote on my personal social media accounts after publication
SEO research + meta tag
WordPress uploading
I start with research and look for stats and examples. I also take a look at your site and your most popular content to get a feel of your tone. I find your most popular content via Buzzsumo or your Google Analytics. Then, I create an outline and send it to you.
Once it’s approved, I start writing. I include examples and stats so that the content is super actionable. In ~2 weeks, I send you the first draft. From there, we go over the edits and I edit as needed. When it’s done, you upload the final version to your website.
I read and study all background materials you provide. When possible, I quote subject matter experts I interview. I also search in Google for stats and examples and extract the most relevant ones. I draw from my personal experiences as well.
When we start the assignment depends on the project size and my workload. If your project is urgent, I can bump you up the queue for an extra fee.
It takes me ~2 weeks to send you the first draft once you approve an outline. This includes research and adding examples and stats.
I offer 1 round of standard revision. I find this realistic with a comprehensive brief, approved outline and clear feedback.
Standard revision: Small edits of less than 25% of the copy, e.g. reworking a CTA or headline. After the first free standard revision, I charge for each additional revision.
Rewrite: Reworking 75% or more of the copy. I charge more to do this.
Yes, here are my best clips.
Yes, I tweet and promote on my personal social media accounts for the Platinum package. If you have something else in mind, I’m willing to help. This may cost extra.